And as we move through these new components of
As we take new measures
As take through, as we step through this period of time
As we move into this new time mention- dimension
Diamond frequency Igor of interconnectedness
The underscores are brought up
That which we have kept score
Kept in store
Int he past is coming up
Some may feel the scorn, the burn if you will
The sludge that we are tromping
through in this now moment
In this new moment
For it is here, with us
For we are moving through this
in this new dance, if you will
For it is unavoidable
We are unable to avoid
That which we have stepped over before
That which we have stepped on
Is now coming up to be renewed
To be refreshed,
Reviewed seen in our view
We must allow ourselves to move into
these new flight patterns in such a way
That it allows us to move with greater movement
A greater visibility if you will
Allowing our selves to move out of
Moving out of divisibility
Moving into indivisibility
Moving out of that which has been
divisive before
In our complacency
That which has been divisively used
within our underscore, keeping score
That which has divided and conquered before
Is unable to hold the same pattern
That we once through it,
had the capability of holding
It is unable to hold the same recognition,
For we recognize what is happening behind the scenes
We really cognize that which is being stirred up
We recognize our own patterns,
We see within the patterns of the old schematic
Of the old play station if you will
That is being played out
on the mainframe game
From one perspective
We hold our hearts as currency
We hold our heads up, hour
We lift up one another we are no longer
Held under
By this old schematic
that once sets us in motion
For the wheels that have been
set in motion have out turned
If you will
We have turned over a new field
We are the plow shares,
For we share in the burden in the load
We have come into a new place in time
Moving through this new placement
Moving out of the placement system that
Keep us held in place
That kept us in the space of
Lack of
Recognition,(play on words)
We are the grid system,
These fields are being turned up,
is being churned, up, bones,
skeletons in the closet- plow share recognition,
we are seeing what the old share holders
from one perspective were creating
in order to hold down this new schematic
from being birthed and born